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Hacking EdTech for Equity
Pear Deck for Lesson and Projects
Pear Deck to engage students with project-based learning!
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Hacking EdTech for Equity
Welcome to Hacking EdTech for Equity! In this video we show you how Pear Deck can be used to create a project or lesson. During the project explanation, we will show you what pushes students to think more about issues of equity in the US. We do this by giving student’s the resources they need, which, in this lesson will be the latest US Census data.

Social Justice
Identity 2 - Students will develop language and historical and cultural knowledge that affirm and accurately describe their membership in multiple identity groups.
Identity 3 - Students will recognize that people’s multiple identities interact and create unique and complex individuals.
Justice 13 - Students will analyze the harmful impact of bias and injustice on the world, historically and today.
Justice 14 - Students will recognize that power and privilege influence relationships on interpersonal, intergroup and institutional levels and consider how they have been affected by those dynamics.

Knowledge Constructor 3c - Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Knowledge Constructor 3d - Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.