SMART Goals Tool
Learn how to use CEISL's SMART Goals Tool
The SMART Goals tool provides a comprehensive platform for students to create, monitor, and celebrate their SMART Goals. Whether they are pursuing academic excellence, personal growth, or a combination of both, the tool offers a structured and supportive framework.
The tool acts as a scaffold, aiding students in goal creation, supervision, and reflection, fostering self-efficacy and time management. Metacognition is nurtured through journaling, fostering introspection and a growth mindset.
The flexibility of our SMART Goals tool allows for various classroom implementations. It is recommended to utilize the tool in 1:1 meetings between teachers and students, fostering personalized guidance and mentorship. Alternatively, the tool can be integrated into whole-class activities with teacher facilitation, creating a collaborative and supportive environment where students learn from each other’s experiences and successes.

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