ISTE Coaches

Professional Learning Facilitator 5c

Evaluate the impact of professional learning and continually make improvements in order to meet the schoolwide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning.

Professional Learning Facilitator 5b

Build the capacity of educators, leaders and instructional teams to put the ISTE Standards into practice by facilitating active learning and providing meaningful feedback.

Professional Learning Facilitator 5a

Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning needs.

Learning Designer 4d

Model the use of instructional design principles with educators to create effective digital learning environments.

Learning Designer 4c

Collaborate with educators to design accessible and active digital learning environments that accommodate learner variability.

Learning Designer 4b

Help educators use digital tools to create effective assessments that provide timely feedback and support personalized learning.

Learning Designer 4a

Collaborate with educators to develop authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery and allow students to demonstrate their competency.

Collaborator 3d

Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.

Collaborator 3c

Partner with educators to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption.

Collaborator 3b

Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards.