ISTE Educators

SMART Goals Tool

Welcome to Hacking EdTech for Equity! In this video we talk about using SMART Goals tool in school.

FlipGrid Different Uses

Welcome to Hacking EdTech for Equity! In this video we talk about using FlipGrid in new and different ways!

FlipGrid Throughlines

Welcome to Hacking EdTech for Equity! In this video we talk about the different ways FlipGrid can benefit student’s learning experience!

FlipGrid Basics

Welcome to Hacking EdTech for Equity! In this video we talk about how to use FlipGrid and how to introduce it into your classroom!

Pear Deck Pro-Tips

Pear Deck Logo

We talk a bit more about the surveillance tool Pear Deck has which allows you to see what participants are doing in Pear Deck in real-time. It is important for you to know how to use this feature equitably!

Adobe Spark

step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using Adobe Spark

Canva: Cards

step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using Canva when creating cards


Step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using Quizizz.


step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using ck-12

Analyst 7c

Use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents and education stakeholders to build student self-direction.