Pear Deck for Lesson and Projects

Pear Deck Logo

Use Pear Deck to push students to think more about issues of equity in the US.

Pear Deck Basics

Pear Deck Logo

Peardeck allows all students to have a voice during any presentation.

Canva for Student Expression

Step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators using Canva

Canva: Cards

step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using Canva when creating cards

Canva: Overview

Canva is a free graphic design platform that’s great for making invitations, business cards, Instagram posts, and more.


Step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using GoNoodle.


step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using ck-12


step-by-step video tutorial resource for educators in using EdPuzzle

Book Module for Abuela by Arthur Dorros

Albuela book cover

The Abuela Book Module is a bilingual guided and interactive read aloud activity paired with potential inquiries around human enhancement & limitations, immigration, human rights, multiculturalism and multilingualism.